EY-AHB Alliance appointed as ECA Financing advisor for NEOM in Saudi Arabia

EY-AHB Alliance appointed as ECA Financing advisor for the NEOM megacity in Saudi Arabia.

EY-AHB Alliance appointed as ECA Advisor for the Mero 2 FPSO Project Offshore Brazil

EY-AHB Alliance appointed as interdisciplinary advisor to the ECAs (NEXI, UKEF, SACE) for the Mero 2 FPSO Project Offshore Brazil.

EY-AHB Alliance appointed as Independent ECA Coordinator and Advisor for Paracel Pulp & Paper Project in Paraguay

EY-AHB Alliance appointed as independent ECA Coordinator and Advisor (EKN, Finnvera, OeKB) for the Paracel Pulp & Paper Project in Paraguay.